26 feb. 20231 min.Pricing for Nord Pool Spot Pricing is now readySpot pricing have the potential to remove all of todays’ discussions once and for all, and even direct users to charge when it is most...
26 feb. 20233 min.Artificial Intelligence and EV charging supportAI has come a long way from the early machine learning days of shopper recommendations and video suggestions on YouTube. However, we are...
1 okt. 20222 min.Roaming and variable spot pricing coming in Q4New functions coming to Electric Freeway SmartCharge in Q4 is roaming and the possibility to connect to Nord Pool and use the hourly...
29 sep. 20221 min.ELECTRIC FREEWAY ER NÅ I DRIFT I NORGE OG DANMARKElectric Freeway AS er nå etablert med tjenester i Norge og bygger opp sin norske og internasjonale organisasjon. Selskapet har inngått...